The Hilarious and Frustrating Backstage Pranks of Mark Henry: A WWE Legend’s Tales of Ribs

WWE is a world of larger-than-life personalities, intense rivalries, and jaw-dropping athleticism. But, beyond the spectacle of the squared circle, there exists a more lighthearted—yet equally fascinating—side to life in the locker room. Among the many stories of camaraderie, hijinks, and playful competition are the infamous backstage pranks, or “ribs,” that wrestlers pull on each other. One of the biggest names in WWE history, Mark Henry, has had his fair share of being the victim of these pranks, despite being known as one of the most physically dominant superstars the company as ever seen.

On a recent episode of Busted Open Radio, Mark Henry shared some unforgettable stories about the backstage ribs that were played on him during his long and storied career in WWE. From supergluing his shower shoes to the floor to having his crutches hidden while he was in a cast, Henry’s recollections offer a unique, and often humorous, insight into life in the locker room.

In this article, we’ll dive into Mark Henry’s hilarious experiences with pranks, also known as ribs, and reflect on how these moments became part of the WWE culture. Whether you’re a casual fan or a die-hard Mark Henry enthusiast, these stories are sure to provide plenty of laughs and an appreciation for the lighter side of professional wrestling. Yahoo, Wrestling Inc

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The Prank That Left Mark Henry Stuck to the Floor: Superglued Shoes

One of the most unforgettable pranks Mark Henry recounts is when someone decided to superglue his shower shoes to the floor. To make matters worse, Henry wasn’t just dealing with a regular pair of shoes—he was wearing size 16 footwear, a rare and difficult-to-find size in the world of wrestling.

Dave, you know I wear a size 16 shoe. It’s hard as hell to find a 16 shoe, and one of them bastards — I don’t know, I didn’t find out who did it — superglued my damn shower shoes to the floor,” Henry recalled on the Busted Open Radio podcast.

This prank, while seemingly harmless, was a test of patience. Given Henry’s larger-than-life stature and the challenge of finding shoes his size, the prank had an added layer of frustration for him. The pranksters, however, didn’t stop there—they had glued his shoes so securely to the floor that when Henry tried to remove them, solvents and other measures failed. In the end, the only solution was to use a razor blade to cut the shoes off the floor, all to prevent any further damage to the building.

Henry’s recounting of this story isn’t just about the prank itself but the sheer inconvenience and struggle that came with it. The act of gluing someone’s shoes to the floor may sound funny on paper, but for Henry, it was a massive headache. Yet, the resilience and sense of humor with which he tells the story show how he, like many wrestlers, learned to roll with the punches—and ribs—of life in WWE. Yahoo, Wrestling Inc

The Infamous Hidden Crutches Incident

Another memorable rib Henry shared involved an incident that tested his patience and ability to stay calm under pressure. While recovering from an injury, Henry had to use crutches, and, as with most pranks in WWE, his crutches mysteriously went missing. This prank, however, came with a twist that would have made anyone feel completely helpless.

Remember my crutches getting hid? How do you think my headspace was when my crutches went missing, and I’m trying to not sell it?” Henry asked, recalling the event.

At the time, Henry was wearing a full leg cast, which meant he was immobile and heavily reliant on his crutches to get around. WWE’s notorious ribbing culture struck again when his crutches disappeared without warning. As part of the prank, Henry was told to “no-sell” the situation and continue watching the show without acknowledging the missing crutches.

For those unfamiliar with the term “no-sell,” it’s a common wrestling term where a performer deliberately ignores or downplays an injury or inconvenience, often as part of the storyline. In this case, Henry was told to pretend like nothing was wrong, even though he had no way to move around without his crutches.

Henry’s frustration only grew as the situation worsened. He was forced to sit at the monitor for two hours during a three-hour show, unable to get up and unable to use the bathroom without his crutches. His solution? Well, he half-jokingly suggested that the only way he could relieve himself was to pee in a garbage can right there at the monitor.

Listen, man, I gotta go to the bathroom or somebody get me a garbage can and I’ll pee right here,” he joked.

The situation reached a boiling point for Henry, who was forced to confront the reality that he could either keep trying to “no-sell” the situation or admit that he was in a bit of a bind. The hidden crutches incident, though frustrating for him, ended up becoming one of those classic WWE moments where pranks crossed the line from funny to mildly inconvenient. But even in those moments of discomfort, Henry showed his trademark resilience, finding humor in the chaos. Yahoo, Wrestling Inc

The WWE Culture of Ribs: More Than Just Pranks

Ribs are a long-standing tradition in WWE, but they aren’t just about pranking someone for the sake of fun. In many cases, ribs are a way for veterans to test the resolve of newcomers or to bring levity to the often high-pressure environment of professional wrestling. For Mark Henry, being part of the WWE locker room meant not only dealing with physical challenges in the ring but also navigating the sometimes challenging, sometimes hilarious world of backstage pranks.

Many stories of ribs are passed down from one generation of wrestlers to the next, with older stars testing the mettle of younger talents by subjecting them to practical jokes or challenges. These pranks, although sometimes elaborate and cruel in nature, often serve as rites of passage in the wrestling world.

For someone like Mark Henry, who was a powerhouse in the ring, these pranks might have seemed like mere annoyances. However, they also helped him become more ingrained in the tight-knit fraternity that is WWE. It’s no surprise that Mark Henry, despite being a decorated champion and one of the company’s strongest superstars, would still have had his fair share of ribbing moments. The culture of pranks and lighthearted bullying is one of the things that made WWE locker rooms famous—and it’s something that many wrestlers look back on fondly as a bonding experience.

The Lighter Side of WWE: The Balance of Ribs and Respect

While ribs may seem juvenile or even frustrating, they are often balanced with a deep sense of respect for the individuals involved. In WWE, where the stakes are high, and egos often clash, these pranks served as a way for the boys to let off steam and keep the atmosphere light. Mark Henry’s stories show that even someone as tough as “The World’s Strongest Man” could laugh at himself, despite the inconvenience these pranks sometimes caused.

WWE’s locker room was—and continues to be—a place where bonds are formed, not just through competition in the ring but through shared experiences. Whether it’s through pulling pranks or helping each other backstage, the camaraderie is what helps make these larger-than-life characters so relatable to fans.


Mark Henry’s backstage rib stories provide a fascinating glimpse into the lighter side of WWE—a world often associated with intense competition and drama. From having his shoes glued to the floor to dealing with missing crutches during his recovery, Henry’s experiences remind us that even in the most intense environments, humor and camaraderie are essential. The pranks and ribs that wrestlers like Henry endure are part of what makes WWE unique and iconic.

Whether these moments were frustrating or funny, they played a pivotal role in shaping Mark Henry’s legendary career. As we continue to look back on these hilarious stories, it’s clear that Mark Henry’s legacy isn’t just defined by his strength in the ring, but also by his ability to laugh at himself and roll with the punches backstage. The tales of ribs are just another reason why WWE continues to captivate fans with its blend of athleticism, personality, and humor.


What is a “rib” in WWE? A “rib” in WWE refers to a practical joke or prank played by one wrestler on another, often in the locker room or backstage. Ribs are part of WWE’s culture, often used to test newcomers or lighten the mood.

Did Mark Henry ever get frustrated with WWE pranks? Yes, Henry shared his frustrations with pranks like having his crutches hidden and his shoes glued to the floor. However, he has also shown how he learned to laugh at these pranks despite the inconvenience they caused.

What is the most famous backstage prank in WWE history? There have been many infamous ribs in WWE, but one of the most famous pranks was when The Kliq hid Shawn Michaels’ luggage or when Stone Cold Steve Austin played pranks on other superstars. These pranks have become legendary moments in WWE folklore.

Did Mark Henry take part in pranks himself? While Henry mostly shares stories of being on the receiving end of pranks, like many veterans in the locker room, he likely played pranks on younger wrestlers to keep the tradition alive.

Why are ribs important in WWE culture? Ribs are a way for wrestlers to bond, relieve stress, and maintain camaraderie in a high-pressure environment. They are a unique aspect of the culture in WWE, helping to build relationships between superstars.

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