Oldest evidence of Christianity north of the Alps unveiled by historians


Throughout history, archaeological discoveries have reshaped our understanding of ancient civilizations and religious development. A groundbreaking find in Frankfurt, Germany, has revealed the oldest evidence of Christianity north of the Alps, significantly altering the historical timeline of Christianity’s spread into Europe. The discovery of an ancient silver amulet with an inscribed reference to Jesus Christ as the “Son of God” provides a fascinating glimpse into early Christian life and beliefs. This article delves into the details of the discovery, its significance, and how it is reshaping religious and historical studies.

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Discovery of the Oldest Evidence of Christianity North of the Alps

Location of the Discovery

The discovery was made in Frankfurt, Germany, during an excavation in 2018. The unearthed burial site contained the remains of a man, and under his chin lay a small but significant silver object—a Christian amulet. This find is being hailed as a “historic breakthrough” by historians and archaeologists alike.

Unveiling the Artifact

The artifact, a small silver scroll, has been described as one of the most important Christian relics ever discovered north of the Alps. The amulet contained a fragile scroll with an 18-line Latin inscription that referenced Jesus Christ. The importance of the discovery lies not just in its antiquity but in its direct reference to Christian beliefs, offering undeniable proof of early Christian influence in northern Europe.

The Role of Archaeological Excavations

The excavation was part of a larger effort to study early burial sites in Germany. The discovery of the silver scroll occurred as archaeologists examined the remains of what they believed to be a wealthy or prominent individual. As the scroll was too delicate to be opened manually, advanced technology was employed to read its contents.

Details of the Discovery

Description of the Silver Amulet

The amulet is a small, rolled silver scroll with inscriptions on its surface. While initially resembling an ordinary object, experts quickly identified it as a religious artifact based on its context and symbolic engravings.

Key Features of the Inscription

The 18-line inscription includes a notable declaration of faith: “Holy, holy, holy! In the name of Jesus Christ, Son of God!” This powerful statement signifies an early Christian prayer, offering evidence of devotion and belief.

Tools Used to Decipher the Message

Due to the scroll’s fragile condition, scientists used CT scanning to create a 3D model of the artifact, allowing them to “unroll” it digitally. This process revealed the inscription without damaging the original artifact.

Historical Context

Early Spread of Christianity in Europe

By the 3rd century AD, Christianity had spread from the Roman Empire to the fringes of northern Europe. However, evidence of Christian presence north of the Alps had been scarce. This discovery pushes the timeline of Christianity’s influence in the region back by 50 years.

Significance of Christianity North of the Alps

Historians had long assumed that Christian communities were not present in this region until later periods. The amulet suggests that early Christian converts may have lived in isolation or under persecution, using amulets for protection.

Pre-Christian Belief Systems in the Region

Before Christianity, Germanic and Celtic paganism was the dominant spiritual framework. The discovery of a Christian artifact in a pagan burial site reveals the religious transition taking place during this era.

Decoding the Inscription

Language Used in the Inscription

The text is written in Latin, the lingua franca of the Roman world, suggesting that early Christians adopted Latin to communicate their beliefs.

Religious Symbols and Their Meaning

The inscription features the term “Son of God,” a direct reference to Jesus. Such clear religious symbolism suggests that this community had strong Christian convictions.

Significance of the Phrase “Jesus Christ, Son of God”

This is one of the earliest known uses of this phrase in northern Europe, offering an important connection between early Christian theology and the lived experiences of early converts.

Impact on Historical Understanding of Christianity’s Spread

Rewriting the Timeline of Christianity’s Expansion

The amulet predates previous evidence of Christianity in the region, reshaping the timeline of Christian expansion into northern Europe.

Influence on Early Christian Studies

Scholars will now re-examine the extent of early Christian networks in northern Europe, opening new research avenues.


How old is the newly discovered Christian evidence?
The silver scroll is estimated to be 1,800 years old, dating back to 230–270 AD.

What makes this discovery so significant?
It is the earliest confirmed evidence of Christianity north of the Alps, altering the historical understanding of Christianity’s spread in Europe.

Where was the artifact discovered?
It was found in a burial site in Frankfurt, Germany, during an archaeological excavation.

How was the inscription deciphered?
Researchers used CT scanning to create a 3D model, allowing them to read the delicate scroll’s contents.

What does the inscription say?
The 18-line Latin inscription includes phrases like “Holy, holy, holy! In the name of Jesus Christ, Son of God!”

How will this impact Christian historical research?
This discovery may shift our understanding of how and when Christianity spread to northern Europe.


The discovery of the oldest evidence of Christianity north of the Alps marks a monumental moment in religious and archaeological history. The 1,800-year-old silver amulet bearing a reference to Jesus as the “Son of God” challenges long-standing assumptions about Christianity’s early presence in northern Europe. This revelation provides a deeper understanding of early Christian practices and the faith’s expansion into previously unknown regions.

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